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How to Swim to Lose Weight

By Moshy
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Swimming is a great workout for people of all ages and levels of fitness, and it can be especially helpful for those who are looking for ways how to lose fat. Swimming burns calories and helps tone muscles, and it can also be a great way to relax and de-stress.[1] But when it comes to losing weight while swimming, you must consider several factors, such as your current weight, your metabolism, and the intensity of the workout.

For clinically-backed information on how to swim to lose weight, it’s best to consult a doctor. The Moshy womens health platform is a great way to get in touch with AHPRA-registered doctors who can provide sound advice on achieving your fitness goals. From over-the-counter medication to coaching solutions, they can give medically-backed recommendations if necessary for your situation.

Read on to find out how to swim to lose weight, its health benefits, and other ways to shedding extra kilos.

What are the benefits of swimming for weight loss?

There are many benefits of swimming for weight loss. It’s a total body workout that burns a lot of calories and can be done at a variety of intensities to suit your fitness level. 

It’s also low-impact, so it’s easy on your joints, making it a good option for people who are overweight or obese. Swimming is a great way to get your heart rate up without putting too much strain on your body while helping you tone your muscles and boost endurance.[2]

When figuring out how to swim to lose weight, it’s important to know that different factors affect weight loss. Some people may find it easier to lose weight if they change their diet alongside swimming, while others simply need to change their exercise routine to lose weight. A Moshy doctor can assess your unique situation to identify which fitness plan will increase your chances of achieving your desired results.

Simply complete the quiz on our platform to get started with Moshy, and a Moshy doctor will get in touch with you, if necessary, for further discussion. During your consultation with a Moshy doctor, you can ask the doctor questions such as ‘How many calories are needed for weight loss?’, ‘How to swim to lose weight?’ or ‘How to work out to lose weight?’ to help you understand your own body and how it responds to exercise or diet changes.

Is swimming the best workout for burning fat?

Swimming burns calories and can help you lose weight, just as all forms of cardiovascular exercise do. But because moving through the water adds additional resistance, swimming requires you to use more muscles compared to walking or jogging.

This helps tone your entire body simultaneously, resulting in more muscle definition than other cardio activities.[3] With that, it may be among the best exercises for burning fat. However, the best weight loss workout for you still depends on several factors, including your fitness level, goals, and preferences. 

There are a number of ways that your Moshy doctor can help you find the best weight loss workout for you. Based on factors like your medical history, current health status, and weight loss goals, your doctor can recommend different types of exercises that may work for you if your condition requires it. 

Part of the Moshy weight loss program is also how to plan a diet to lose weight. Your doctor may consider your lifestyle and dietary habits, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and other health markers to create a weekly meal plan guide for you.

Because Moshy weight loss plans come with meal replacement shakes, you can have a better chance of sticking to your personalised diet plan. 

Which swimming style is the best for losing weight?

When understanding how to swim to lose weight, keep in mind that the calorie-burning benefits of swimming depend on the intensity and duration of your workout.

It’s estimated that a man with a weight of 70 kg burns around 360 calories by swimming. For those who are wondering, ‘How long should I swim to lose weight?’ it depends on how you do laps. A man with the same weight can burn around 360 calories by swimming vigorously for thirty minutes.[4]

As with other forms of exercise, consistency is key if you want to shed kilos and keep them off for good. So it’s really beneficial that Moshy weight loss programs come with ongoing consultations with your doctor. Your doctor will not only help you set realistic goals and monitor your progress over time but also provide you with support and motivation to stick with your weight loss plan.

What are the common steps to lose weight?

Besides learning how to swim to lose weight, there are also other approaches to slimming down. From lifestyle changes to medical plans, you can explore which methods suit you best.

Food and diet

Fibre-rich foods are great for losing weight because they help you feel full. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and fat, as well as high in fibre, so they may aid in successful weight loss. Experts suggest eating regularly during the day to increase the rate at which calories are burned and reduce the temptation to eat high-fat, high-sugar foods.[5]

Evidence-based treatments

Most importantly, you’ll have the best chance of achieving the results you desire if you use evidence-based treatments with doctor support, such as those offered at Moshy. Our doctors can provide you with the proper medical, over-the-counter, or coaching solutions that fit your unique condition. With that, you can feel confident about making the right decisions for your own body.

You may reach your Moshy doctor via phone call, text, or video chat to let them know of any concerns you may have so they can help you identify any potential obstacles that may be holding you back from achieving your goals. You’re also welcome to ask your doctor questions, such as ‘How to lose belly fat through exercise at home?’ or ‘How many steps do I need to lose weight in a day?’ 


As a comprehensive online women's health platform, our doctors can also provide you with science-backed answers on how to swim to lose weight as well as other concerns.

Whether you need help with your weight loss, mental health, or a different health concern, Moshy can help. Feel free to get in touch with us when you’re ready to address your concerns.

5 References


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